Spun out. That’s how all the “pivoting” of 2020 and now the first month of 2021 gone by has left me feeling. Noticing I’ve developed the not so healthy habit of working just 2 minutes more (always turns into hours). I’m giving myself permission to KISS this month - Keep It Super Simple.
That means giving my best in a reasonable time frame and letting it be enough. Honoring my stop times. Realizing I could do more, but being better because I’m not.
Yep. Better.
Letting less truly be more.
We all need time to play. Explore. Rest. Just be.
This fills our tank. Fuels our creativity and energizes us to keep going when we truly need to.
So I invite you to KISS this new month with me too!
Simplify wherever and whenever you can. Meals, work, communications. Do less of what you think you should do. Do what you need to do. Do it well enough and then let it be. Don’t “should” all over yourself.
KISS - today. KISS this month. Invite a friend to KISS with you! And please let me know how it goes!
Want more inspo like this & connection to community who’ll join you in practices like this? Move with me on the yoga mat & meet ALL GOOD PEOPLE! I teach weekly Zoom classes Gentle Yoga Mondays at 6PM and Mixed Level Flow Saturday at 9AM. Messages like this one always infused into the flow. Also dropping a Mixed Level Flow class recording for you to try out: 65 Minute Less Is More Practice. Enjoy!
Cheers to KISS-ing & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!