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Focused classes - less than an hour
Create space & stability in your shoulders! Practice postures like Eagle (Garudasana), Bound Side Angle (Baddha Parsvakonasana) and Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasan...
Build strength & confidence learning the fundamental elements of Bakasana, Crow Pose! This class is focused giving you the tools to practice so you can prefo...
Stretch it out! Your hips, hamstrings & even shoulders will be so glad you did! Great compliment to a running or even a cycling practice! Move carefully & en...
Find the motivation to begin again after being knocked down physically, mentally or emotionally in this short yoga practice. Designed to help you move in gen...
Move your mind & body in the direction of beauty as you begin (or just take a break during) your day! This yoga practice is gentle and appropriate for all le...
Get ready to transform! This yoga practice helps you build strength to make progress! With a spotlight on the arms you'll practice chatarunga (yoga push-up) ...
Create a sweet release in your mind in body in the short, simple yoga practice! Smooth and easy moves will leave you feeling at peace & ease. Perfect for the...
Work your complete core & explore new ways to think about strength. Perfect yoga class to pair with another one! Great to do before a yin class, or in additi...
Move with strength & curiosity as you flow through 25 minutes of yoga to enliven every part of you body & mind. Energizing & playful this practice includes p...
Use this as a stand alone practice to compliment your running or cardio routine, or great for right after your workout. It opens your legs, hips & even a lit...
A short yoga practice for kids to twist out and feel good! Great to do with the family!
Stretch & strengthen your wrists for more comfort, mobility & strength for your everyday activities & to improve your yoga practice too! Enjoy!
Take time for YOU. Tune in to your needs, your body & heart. Awaken your energy with some simple sun salutes, tap into your strength in dolphin pose & planks...
Create spaciousness & freedom in all the areas that feel stuck - especially the neck and shoulders. Enjoy this easy, short practice anytime of day to feel be...
Full length classes
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Enjoy the Live Class Experience again
A happy, heart warming & heart-opening class!
We'll build slowly to Natarajasana, Dancer Pose.
Cultivate & create a sense of play, joy & gratitude in this mixed level yoga class. Explore postures fun postures & shapes - modifications for all levels to ...
Sweet, steady post holiday release for your entire body. Grab a strap or towel & maybe some blocks to make this practice even more enjoyable.More yoga offeri...
You'll love this full body flow! Dive into your breath, moving mindfully towards side plank variations, splits, standing camel & more.Remember to listen to y...
From my Saturday morning live Zoom class this hour long yoga practice builds flow and will make the whole body feel good! Move carefully and just do what fee...
Grab pillows & blankets, or bolsters & blocks for this lovely yin yoga practice. Yin is a very gentle style of yoga where postures are held longer in support...
Learn to align & active in ways that feel really good! Lots of shoulder openers & hip release too. Practice half moon, dolphin, bow pose & more. Move careful...
Awaken and work your entire body and calm you mind and spirit during this class. Class includes a 3 minute meditation, fun postures to play with like Warrior...
Connect to your breath & go with the flow into so many feel good stretches & fun, challenging postures possibly too! Almost no vinyasas, but plenty of opport...
Learn the power of Lotus - purity & perseverance. Practice Padmasana - Lotus pose & mudra (hand gesture). Variations given for different levels. Other fun po...
A 1 hour complete yoga practice to center your mind, calm your spirit and move your entire being towards wellness. Enjoy! For more info on music, postures, o...
Saturday morning yoga flow class
A level one yoga practice to create steadiness & listen to your inner guide. Enjoy!
This practice is complete with breath-work, intention setting, fun poses and relaxing cool down with a mediative savasana. Enjoy!