
Brahmacharya & Bringing Joy

The best laid plans. . .sometimes change. How do we maintain our joy? Practicing the 4th yoga yama, Brahmacharya can help. Brahmacharya is the concept of non-lust. Often discussed as sexual continence, brahmacharya truly is so much more. What it really offers us is a chance look within and see what drives us. Recognizing where we might be too influenced or dependent on external stimuli.

When we practice brahmacharya, we get a chance to adjust our relationship to ourselves & others in a more healthy direction. We become aware and empowered - without depending on outside stimulation/sources to bring us pleasure. We get clear & calm. This practice of turning inward brings us unshakeable peace and joy that enlivens our lives. Our egos, impulsive behaviors & self-indulgances quiet down as we learn ultimate satisfaction comes from within. 

Give yourself the gift & challenge of practicing brahmacharya. Start this week by deciding to BRING JOY to whatever situation you encounter. It really is within our power and it doesn’t have to be a big gesture. Keep it simple. It can be with something as small as a smile or just a pleasant attitude. Little shifts can bring about big changes in our lives.

The observance of brahmacharya isn’t just the practice of what we’re restraining ourselves from. It’s also about what we bring. So allow yourself to enjoy his practice and bring the joy to yourself & others this week. Try this out & let me know how it goes!

I hope it helps you find that unshakeable peace I mentioned and ALL GOOD THINGS!




Asteya = Non-Stealing

The 3rd yama of yoga,  Asteya has us practicing the art of non-stealing. That means not taking from others. It even means not stealing from ourselves! 

When we take things, ideas, affections or even take advantage of others generosity we create negative ripple effects in our lives and ultimately limit ourselves. So much of this, the wise old yogis say, is rooted in our own insecurities. We can free ourselves by flipping our thinking and way of being to something more productive and positive by being truthful (Satya) and only taking what we need. Give yourself the opportunity to see the world as abundant. Practice knowing you are enough even when you need rest and assistance. You actually steal from yourself when you don't acknowledge your troubles or shake them off too quickly as no big deal. The same is true for all humankind. Everyone has struggles of their own they’re working through. It’s important to extend grace to all, not diminishing or robbing them of their time to rest and process. So Asteya. Non-Stealing. It's a practice and it means much more than not just taking things. It's really about being grateful & generous. Allow yourself to explore this concept more by recognizing what is working in your life right now. Practice appreciation and watch how it transforms and uplifts you to see ALL GOOD THINGS surrounding you at all times!




Let Go & Let In


What are you giving up for Lent?

A common question this time of year for Catholics. And, yes I am Catholic.

Some would say Irish Catholic.

Which is why I know & love this little diddy here:

Irish Philosophy.jpg

Silly, but a slightly serious too, it reminds us to keep things light.

I’ve given up all sorts of things in years past: alcohol, chocolate, swearing, interrupting, t.v. a few nights a week, my time to help others, etc. But, a few years back I tried something new. I decided go more internal and in the hopes it would make my external life happier and healthier. Inspired by the Irish philosophy above I gave up worrying.

I didn’t overthink it. Just jumped in.

So, for 40 days (the the approximate length of Lent) I did my best to give less time to worry, to quell the noise of my mind when it went in to panic response mode over little things. Slowly, slowly, I loosened my grip on how I thought things should be day to day and began to embrace the way things were without me attempting to control them.

What happened? Gifts beyond belief!

By letting go I was able to let so much goodness in.

Just by giving myself this simple task of noticing when I was worried, I began to notice how much I did it. (Way more than I thought!). And, I gave myself permission to just put it down. I mean ya gotta keep your Lent promise, right?

Bottom line, I had no idea I was causing myself so much strife.

What began as a kind of silly experiment soon became a great gift and created space for more light to get in.

Sure I struggled at first. Thought everything just might fall apart if I wasn’t “concerned” about this or that at every moment.

Worrying was like a go-to familiar MO for me. It felt weird to not do it. But like anything else it got easier as I kept at it.

Soon I felt I could breathe more deeply. Smile more freely.

My mind became more clear. My energy levels rose and I found myself enjoying each day more.

Nothing in my life was different expect for what went on between my two ears. Less worry. More light. Simply serene.

Before I knew it I even found myself sleeping better. An insomniac for years, this brought immeasurable amounts of relief.

Why hadn’t I done this years ago?

This letting go of worry thing worked so well I continued to practice it well after Lent was over. More often than not, what I realized as my days played out was that things worked out just as they should without any assistance from the opinions of my overly concerned mind.

In fact, many days and events went even better than I could have imagined, even when they took unexpected turns. This helped me transform worry into wonder (and trust in the goodness of life itself).

So, with that frame of mind I invite you to let go of whatever tends crowd your mind and heart unneccessarily. It could be worry. I t would be judgement. Maybe jealousy or even fear. Whatever it is. Just try. You really have nothing to lose. Let go and the light in!

Can you tell I’ve experimented with this idea with many of my less admireable qualities?

Cool thing is, it always brings gifts!

My suggestion. Just focus on one thing.

And let me know how it goes. I’d love to share stories, be inspired by you and cheer you on!

And it’s okay to be unsure exactly where it will lead you. It’s part of the process. This isn’t about being perfect. It’s just about lightening up, and in doing so hopefully bringing more light into our own world and those of others too.

Need some time to let this marinate and clear your mind? Or maybe just to let go of some tension and stress?

Try this yoga practice I’ve included for you here. It’ll make you feel lighter and brighter!

Here’s to enjoying your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!





Enjoy The Ride

“Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.” -Osho

“Celebration is my attitude, unconditional to what life brings.” -Osho


When I wake up in the morning I throw my hands up in the air like I’m riding a roller coaster and say,”Yeah!” For real, y’all. I know it’s weird, but it puts me in a good mood. Reminds me this life is roller coaster ride and I can choose to live it with curiosity, trust and excitement, or I can slide in the other direction which brings me down. Believe me, I’ve done that too and gotten myself into ruts. It’s no fun.

So with my birthday plans much more mellow this year, I”m still putting my hands up in the air and embracing this stretch of the ride. I’m still here. I’m healthy and even though things are still pretty darn dark there’s a light. I am alive. Now how am I going to live?

Making the commitment to myself for my 45th year to celebrate & appreciate more. Especially the small things. Staying focused on what’s working and committing to ask myself daily: What’s still possible? How can I expand or have a new adventure in these circumstances right now? I want to feel more alive. More connected. How can I do that with what’s right in front of me?

Deciding in my mind and then tossing my hands up high - I’m gonna enjoy this ride seeing how year 45 unfolds. Celebrating the good I know will come even before it arrives and savoring it when it does. Reminding myself the bumps and the scary stretches won’t be forever when they arrive and that the whole point is to enjoy and have fun!

I’m ready. This is my new year!

I always consider my birthday a new year for me. I invite you to do that too. It’s always nice to give ourselves the gift of a fresh start. So I’m sharing a New Year themed class with you this week. One from my live Zoom Saturday mornings. I hope you’ll try it and maybe even join me for a live class too. I’ll put a link below the video for that.

Full body flow with a focus on how yoga began & how to focus your practice. Learn about the first 3 yoga sutras and some common Sanskrit terms.

Cheers to enjoying the ride of your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!

