"Find time and space to reflect, look forward and create a self-love and confidence in yourself that will carry you through all of the good and bad days; it will truly be one of the best things you do for yourself."
2016 was a year that strengthened my happy muscle. Not because it was easy. No. 2016 was full of surprises. It threw a whole bunch of stuff my way, good, not so good and all sorts of things in between. No matter what it has given me, I've tried my best to make the most of it and focus on the good. After all, it is my belief that our lives truly are full of All Good Things! That's why I'm dedicating the final All Good Things post of 2016 to moments that made me smile.
Even the unpleasant moments, as hard as they can be to go through ultimately lead us to lessons and positive transformations if we allow ourselves to truly change and learn. Creating and keeping a positive outlook can be one of the most comforting and empowering uses of our minds. When we practice this perspective we feel happier, more alive and soon we notice life opening up in the most beautiful ways.
In order to enjoy our life we have to be wiling to do the work to make ourselves feel good. A fun way to do this is through remembering the good times and trusting there will be more to come.
Just gathering these moments in one place makes my heart soar. And, I hope it'll inspire you to do the same thing for yourself.
So I encourage you to practice this outlook for yourself as the year ends. Go back through your year and write down one thing each month that made you feel happy. It can help to have your phone close by. It may have some fun pictures you've taken that can jog your memory. I promise you this will be better than anything Facebook can put together for you.
The moments that have meaning matter because of the meaning we bring to them. Allow yourself to see all the good things in your life this year and more will flow to you into 2017!
Wishing you a Merry everything and Happy always!
Here's to enjoying your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!