Pain pushes you until vision pulls you. - Michael Bernard Beckwith
Years ago I was told the pain of Fibromyalgia would never leave my body and that I would have to take medication for the rest of my life. Though I respected my doctors, this was not something I truly believed and I decided I could do something about it. That something began with changing my diet.
Along this path of self-healing and more conscious eating I've discovered recipes that have helped me not only feel good, but taste great. Even my husband likes them and has felt the positive effects of this nutrition in his body!
With that I share the first All Good Things - Food Edition! Today's recipe: Morning Mint Chip Green Smoothie. We both LOVE it and it fuels us better than coffee! Coming from two coffee lovers that says a lot!
Here's how to make it:
- Add 6 large ice cubes to blender
- Cover ice with milk, about 1 cup. ( I prefer almond :)
- Add 1 teaspoon matcha green tea powder (this has the same effects of coffee, but way better!)
- Add one teaspoon honey
- Add 3 heaping tablespoons of yogurt ( I use Fage 2% Greek yogurt)
- 20 fresh mint leaves (or 1 drop of mint essential oil)
- 2 squares of dark chocolate bar (65% cacao or more)
- 1 banana
- 2 cups baby spinach
- 1 cup baby kale
Blend all this goodness together and voila! You're set to have an awesome day!
This makes 2 large servings. :) Perfect for sharing with a friend you're meeting at the gym or anywhere else early in the morning!
Added bonus - It tastes like dessert!
So, whaddya think? Could a morning mint chip green smoothie be the way you start your day tomorrow? Or, do you already have a delicious, energizing go-to for the a.m.? If so, let me know! Share it in an email or the comments below! I'd love to hear from you and try out some new recipes!
Cheers to good food, good eating and great health!
Here's to enjoying your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!
P.S. - Next week's ALL GOOD THINGS includes F R E E yoga! Yep! Stay tuned.
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