The 3rd yama of yoga, Asteya has us practicing the art of non-stealing. That means not taking from others. It even means not stealing from ourselves!
When we take things, ideas, affections or even take advantage of others generosity we create negative ripple effects in our lives and ultimately limit ourselves. So much of this, the wise old yogis say, is rooted in our own insecurities. We can free ourselves by flipping our thinking and way of being to something more productive and positive by being truthful (Satya) and only taking what we need. Give yourself the opportunity to see the world as abundant. Practice knowing you are enough even when you need rest and assistance. You actually steal from yourself when you don't acknowledge your troubles or shake them off too quickly as no big deal. The same is true for all humankind. Everyone has struggles of their own they’re working through. It’s important to extend grace to all, not diminishing or robbing them of their time to rest and process. So Asteya. Non-Stealing. It's a practice and it means much more than not just taking things. It's really about being grateful & generous. Allow yourself to explore this concept more by recognizing what is working in your life right now. Practice appreciation and watch how it transforms and uplifts you to see ALL GOOD THINGS surrounding you at all times!