Not the sunrise hike we planned this summer, but beautiful nonetheless!
Celebrate the small wins. Every single one of them. Steep in the good. Every single time. And soon it will be natural for you to find happiness at the turn of every corner.
- Kino MacGregor
When Brian & I wake up in the morning we declare with a little giggle “I’m still here!” Yep, Waking up & being healthy & alive has been an accomplishment in 2020. A small win. And we celebrate it! Why? It keeps us humble, grateful and happy. Appreciating the life we have and reminding us, among all the hardships of this year, the most fundamental and precious things are still here - our lives. What a gift it is to be alive another day!
If I’ve learned anything from 2020 it’s to be more mindful to enjoy life and not take so much for granted. Although this year didn’t look like anything we expected, and beat us down over and over with challenges, illness and injuries, we are deeply happy and fulfilled. We owe much of this fulfillment to our dedication to small & silly little practice when we wake up. Intentionally starting the day in an appreciate and somewhat silly mode kept our hearts light even when they were breaking over and over. Celebrating small wins has lifted us up mentally & emotionally giving us energy & optimism to keep moving forward. It’s so simple and truly MAGIC!
So I invite you to tap into that MAGIC & celebrate today. Congratulate and celebrate yourself getting dressed, making a meal, connecting with a friend or family member, having a roof over your head, simply continuing to put one foot in front of the other in anyway you can. It might feel silly at first, but I promise you it’s powerful and builds positive momentum. This year has been hard and If you’re reading this GOOD JOB - you’re still here! Please celebrate that because the world needs the unique light that only you bring to this planet. Celebrate you being here and being alive, however you show up today and just keep going one moment at a time - that’s all you ever really have to do and all any of us really can do.
Wishing you so much happiness, health, hope & ALL GOOD THINGS - always!