Connect to your core and you’ll find strength, Act from your core and you’ll move mountains. - Gabriella Goddard

Getting to the core of things. That’s been my focus lately. Actually for quite some time now.
Turning inward. Finding & strengthening my center, my core.

Core in every sense of the word - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

It’s a complex and beautiful journey. At times it can feel like five steps forward, five steps back. Other times it feels great. My spirits soar. I feel so strong and secure I literally, physically can float my feet above my head, or mentally handle anything that comes my way during the day with a peace and equanimity I thought was only possible for monks and those living off the grid, somewhere in the sweet serenity of nature.

While I ADORE the mountains and will head back to them soon (I’m coming for you Yosemite and Banff) the yoga & meditation practice I have dedicated myself to over the past 2 years has helped me find my core even while living in the ever expanding cement and concrete landscape of my sweet home, Chicago.

When I am through with my practice, whether it’s yoga, meditation (also prayer time for me), or both, I can find my core more easily. That unshakable place inside that speaks the truth to me in all circumstances. This is the internal compass I tap into. The guidance that helps carry me when I begin to feel flustered, frustrated or fearful. Taking this time regularly for myself everyday (in whatever form my body needs that day) is the place I find true strength. MY core. The one that knows when its right to keep pushing through or to pause & take a step back. The one that believes more than doubts. Has faith more than fear, and reminds me that often the strongest action we can take is surrender.

My mother, a devout Catholic spiritual director, who would have celebrated her birthday today, used this word surrender so often. I didn’t understand years ago, but I’m beginning to now. Surrender is not weakness. Surrender is finding your center. Knowing who you really are, your true strength and bravely taking actions that match that. Essentially living from your core.

That type of living led my husband and I up to the mountains last year, and will again this year. It’s led me to explore yoga and mediation and work and play in new ways. It’s helped me dream bigger, feel more energized and alive than I ever have been while maintaining a sense of calm happiness all along. It has also led me to change the name of my Sunday yoga class to Core Vinyasa, a blend of yoga goodness intentionally focused on building the qualities of strength and surrender. It has even led me to know that the best thing for this blog at this time is to make it a monthly, rather than a weekly thing. At least for now (new projects are a brewin'). This act of surrender, straight from my core is needed to keep allowing more goodness and growth in.

So now I want to know - What connects you to your core? What actions are your internal compass guiding you toward? Be brave and share your thoughts here! I and all of the ALL GOOD THINGS community are here to help cheer you on!

Until next time. . .

Here's to enjoying your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!



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