Trust yourself, then you will know how to live.
- Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
Recently Brian and I went on a yoga retreat. We didn’t know anyone else going, and we had never taken class with the teachers leading it. Why did we do it? It made sense and it just felt right. We knew we just had to. So almost on a whim we signed ourselves up, decided this would be a good thing and headed to Tulum, Mexico.
View right outside of our room. We knew as soon as we arrived here we were in a special place.
How did it end up? Just take another look at that photo above, or below for that matter. This place and this trip was really incredible. Not only was the location beautiful, it seemed everything, big and small, was soaked in specialness. Things just worked out so easily and with more enjoyment and magic than anything we could have planned to have happen. We experienced countless fun and even serendipitous moments. We're still floating in all the happy memories of it today. Here are just a few of the highlights:
We fell asleep to the sound of the ocean each night and woke up to this beautiful sunrise each day! We usually like to sleep in a little on vacation. Not here! The views were too gorgeous to miss. Thanks to our new friend, Kate for this photo!
Brian finally understood and began meditating - for real! This is something he has tried for years, but it just never stuck. Our experience in Tulum changed him. He even continues his meditation practice at home each morning and carries the peace of that around with him throughout his days now!
Ahh, sweet serenity!
We practiced yoga and learned about it in a way that allowed me to see myself continuing practicing and teaching it well into my future. Thank you Quinn & Claire! Truly phenomenal teachers that put the trip together and 2 outstanding sessions of yoga each day.
Big love and thanks to these wonderful teachers, Quinn Kearney & Claire Mark! You can practice with them too at Yogaview! Check out this studio and their schedules at the link below.
We met so many lovely new friends who have a passion of creativity, exploration, enjoying life and living life with intention - all good things! With them we enjoyed so many cool, casual, and meaningful conversations over meals about life & work & fun & making the most of it all. We even came up with one of our new favorite phases: “Action is Clarity!” (More on that in future post. :) )
We danced. What can I say? Dance is one of the biggest pieces of our relationship and brings so much joy to our lives. It was beyond special to have it fit in so seamlessly here and share that joy with others in this space.
We explored, walking around ancient Mayan ruins, among tropical beauty and so many iguanas. It was so much fun!
We met interesting & inspiring people, even outside of our yoga retreat group like this former professional poker player, Sebastian, and his dog Nola. They are traveling the world in school bus he converted to an RV style home. His mission in life he said, “To show people anything is possible.” Gotta love that attitude! Funny fact: Brian has talked about living in and traveling all over in an RV since I've met him, so he was beyond excited to see how Sebastian built his mobile home and is traveling all around so far from Canada, to the US and into Mexico and South America. You can see how he converted his bus into a home and a bit about his travels in the video below. Yeah, it's all in French, but it's still interesting.
All in all, everything we experienced filled us up with so much joy and appreciation for life. We are so glad we decided to just do it. We dove right into this experience, not sure what to expect and soaked up all the goodness it had to offer. We are still smiling and talking about it weeks after it has been over!
Now I’d like to know - Have you ever trusted yourself and done something just because it felt right? Or, is there anything you're curious about right now that you feel you have to do, or just need to explore? Does anything about it feel right? If so, let me know in the comments below! I'd love to know about adventures you've had and ones still yet to come. I truly believe that our lives can surprise us and open up in beautifully when we are brave enough to trust our instincts and just do it!
Until next time cheers to the new adventures trusting yourself leads to!
Here's to enjoying your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!
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