"When it's over, no regrets."
- Randy Peeters
This guy literally has! Well, almost. His name is Randy Peeters, a rocket scientist who’s climbed the highest point on each continent and reaching both poles. This includes summiting Mt. Everest at age 57. At age 71 he still actively enjoys and goes on extreme adventures. My husband, Brian, and I had the pleasure of meeting him and his wife of 51 years, Doris, on an Amtrak train this past summer.
Climbing Everest
Needless to say this filled us with overwhelming inspiration. Not only because of Randy’s extreme sports adventures, which he still goes on, but because of how Randy & Doris approach life. They're an amazing couple who make the most of living. Randy's motto: "When it's over, no regrets." Over the course of the day we became fast friends and learned a lot about one another.
Sitting on top of the world!
One thing I learned from Randy is anyone can make their dreams come true, in all areas of life, no matter how impossible, how insurmountable they may seem. Really. He's done it many times in his outdoor adventures, and in his work, family and spiritual life. Another thing I learned from Randy and Doris is that your perspective and commitment to the people and events in your life determines the quality of the experiences you have. These two are living examples of true positivity and loyalty. They are committed to one another and to living lives they love and it shows.
Randy & Doris in Alaska summer 2016
Randy now shares how to find a life of fulfillment and conquer all types of goals with people all over the world. He's written a book called Journeys to the Edge, which puts into writing the energy, excitement and lessons Randy has experienced. To read more about his book or order your own copy go to you can visit Amazon.com and search for Journeys to the Edge.
While I strongly recommend his book, there's nothing like meeting an author in person. As I mentioned Brian and I met Randy and Doris on the train. From the moment of introducing ourselves we were captivated. Randy and Doris really are very special people to be in the presence of and talk with. Their abundant and vibrant energy is infectious.
Base camp
You can meet Randy in person too!
Whether it's attending one of his inspirational workshops or joining him on his next extreme sport adventure you'll be sure to be inspired. Randy is great at guiding others to clarify their life's vision. Brian and I had the pleasure of attending one of Randy's workshops this past January in Chicago (our hometown). We left energized with a deeper sense of purpose in our work, and clarity and connection in our relationship with one another. Find out more about Randy's talks in this video:
Like the Amtrak conductor announced as we road the rails back home, "Everybody's somebody on the train."
Indeed. Everybody is somebody, and taking the time to get to know another's story can lead to such enjoyment, inspiration and new adventures.
We continue to keep in contact since that train ride and plan on visiting with Randy & Doris again soon! I simply cannot wait to hear about more of their new adventures and I'd love to hear about yours too!
Add to the inspiration and share stories about your own life adventures! Let me know what you do to reach new heights in your life. Do you have a motto that shapes your work, relationships and how you spend your days? If so, tell me about it in the comments below!
Until next time, keep embracing and celebrating all of the adventures of your life!
Here's to enjoying your life & ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!
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