Mary Bosak Yoga + Meditation

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How We Heal

Do you want to feel good about the world and the humans you share it with?

Begin with yourself. Be honest.

What’s the first thing you think of when you encounter someone?

Does your guard automatically go up?

Do you soften and greet them with curiosity?

Do you allow yourself to notice the details before you instead of letting your mind come up with a story?

Last year I began practicing looking for the good, assuming the best about all humans around me - not just the ones I knew and liked. I made it a goal to genuinely compliment (sometimes just silently to myself) everyone I interacted with. Believe me I still employed my street smarts as necessary. I just didn’t let them run wild anymore and take over. It was so refreshing & uplifting! Little did I know I was putting into practice a form of Tikkun Olam - repairing the world.

I shared this passage with my yoga classes explaining what Tikkun Olam is last week and I’m leaving it here because I believe it’s just that good:

Tikkun Olam: A dedication to the healing of the world. A creation story.

In the beginning of creation something happened and the original light of the universe was shattered into countless pieces. It lodged itself inside every aspect of the creation. And the highest human calling is to look for this light, point it out when we see it, to gather it up. To see it reflected, pay attention to it and in doing so we repair the world.

This simple shift in assuming good is lodged into us all somewhere gave me hope for humanity and energized my encounters and relationships with others. It’s not difficult and it doesn’t cost a thing. But boy is it valuable! And you can do it too! Just try it out for a day and see how you feel.

Expect the best, or at least look for some light in others and I guarantee you’ll start to find it and feel lighter yourself too!

Cheers to seeing & being the light in the world and ALL GOOD THINGS my friends!

P.S. Want more ways to feel good? Move with me on the yoga mat & meet ALL GOOD PEOPLE! I teach weekly Zoom classes Gentle Yoga Mondays at 6PM and Mixed Level Flow Saturday at 9AM.

See this Instagram gallery in the original post